The Analysis and Experimentation on Ecosystems (AnaEE) is a distributed Research Infrastructure which provides integrated and coordinated management of experimental, analytical and modelling facilities, with the aim to support scientists in testing the potential impacts of climate change and land use in Europe. Characteristic to AnaEE are its versatile facilities that can simulate environmental drivers ranging from land-use change, pollution, biological invasions, rising atmospheric greenhouse gases concentrations, to increasing extreme events such as droughts and heatwaves. AnaEE will forge evidence-based adaptation and mitigation strategies to maintain essential services to society including carbon sequestration, food security, clean water, biodiversity and ecosystem health today and in the future.
Entered in the ESFRI Roadmap 2010, AnaEE was acknowledged as ESFRI Landmark in 2021. Currently in the Implementation Phase, AnaEE submitted the European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) Step2 application with the support of five Members (including CIHEAM) and one Observer. The AnaEE Central Hub, hosted in France, will be the main entry point, responsible for the provision of the services. Three Service Centres – Technology, Interface and Synthesis, Data and Modelling – are under implementation respectively in Denmark, Czech Republic and Italy. The coordination and integration of the national platforms, through the Hub and Centres, will ensure international access, improved measurements and data harmonization, technology development, links between data and models.